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Personal and Cloud Services


For personal digital security, we offer a personalized range of services.

For personal devices, such as phones, tablets, and laptops, we offer VPNs for encryption when you’re both at home and out of the house. The VPN service we provide encrypts all of your devices’ traffic, so not only your internet service provider can see what you are doing online.

We also offer automated encrypted backups, where your phone/tablet/laptop can be constantly synced with both Google and Amazon’s cloud backup solutions.

We also offer encrypted e-mail service at request, to ensure your business and personal communication is handled in the most secure manner possible.

Finally, we also offer virtual desktops powered by Amazon. Essentially, you “remote control” into a server hosted by Amazon that resets every time it is started. This means you can securely login to online banking and other sensitive online assets without having to worry about malware.

Everything we do for your personal digital security is custom tailored to your personal situation.

Give us a call @ (833) SITE-FIX and we’ll keep you safe & secure online.

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